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PID Controller: PID Tuning, PID Contol and What is a PID Controller? PID Controller Explained

What is PID Controller?

In the world of automation and control, a PID controller is a widely-used mechanism for regulating processes. The term "PID" stands for Proportional-Integral-Derivative, which describes the three components of the controller that work together to achieve the desired control output. PID controllers are used in a wide variety of applications, including temperature control, flow control, and level control, among others.

What is a PID Controller

PID controllers are often simply referred to as "PIDs." This is because the term has become a catch-all phrase for any controller that uses the Proportional-Integral-Derivative method to regulate a process. While there are other types of controllers out there, PIDs are by far the most common.

How do PIDs work?

PIDs work by taking measurements of a process variable, such as temperature or flow rate, and comparing them to a desired setpoint. The controller then calculates an error signal based on the difference between the measured value and the setpoint. This error signal is then used to adjust the control output, which in turn affects the process variable.

The three components of a PID controller work together to achieve this control output. The proportional component provides a response that is proportional to the error signal. The integral component provides a response that is proportional to the integral of the error signal over time. The derivative component provides a response that is proportional to the rate of change of the error signal over time.

PID Tuning

Tuning a PID controller is the process of adjusting the three components so that the controller provides the desired response. Tuning is a complex process that requires a good understanding of the process being controlled, as well as the characteristics of the controller itself.

PID Tuning Methods

Ziegler-Nichols Method

The Ziegler-Nichols method is a popular technique for tuning PID controllers. It involves systematically increasing the gain of the proportional component until the system becomes unstable, and then adjusting the integral and derivative components to stabilize the system.

More specifically, the Ziegler-Nichols method involves the following steps:

  1. Set the integral and derivative components to zero and increase the proportional component until the system starts to oscillate.

  2. Measure the period of the oscillation (the time it takes for the system to complete one cycle).

  3. Use the period to calculate the ultimate gain (Ku) of the system using a formula specific to the type of oscillation observed.

  4. Set the proportional component to a value of 0.6 times the ultimate gain (Ku).

  5. Choose the appropriate tuning rule (e.g., Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon, Skogestad) to determine the values for the integral and derivative components based on the process characteristics.

The Ziegler-Nichols method is widely used due to its simplicity and effectiveness in many applications, but it is important to note that it may not work well for all systems, especially those with non-linear dynamics or other complexities.

Cohen-Coon Method

The Cohen-Coon method is another popular method for tuning PID controllers, along with the Ziegler-Nichols method. The Cohen-Coon method is a more mathematically rigorous method and is better suited for systems with a larger time delay.

The Cohen-Coon method involves the following steps:

  1. Determine the process gain, Kp, and the time constant, Tp, of the process being controlled.

  2. Determine the process time delay, Td.

  3. Calculate the ultimate gain, Ku, which is the gain value that causes the system to oscillate at its natural frequency. This can be done by increasing the proportional gain until the system starts to oscillate, and then measuring the amplitude of the oscillation and the period of one cycle.

  4. Calculate the ultimate period, Pu, which is the period of oscillation at the ultimate gain.

  5. Use the following equations to calculate the controller parameters:

    • Proportional gain: Kp = (1.35 * Td) / (Ku * sqrt(Tp))

    • Integral time constant: Ti = 2.5 * Tp

    • Derivative time constant: Td = 0.37 * Tp

  1. Adjust the parameters as necessary to achieve the desired performance.

The Cohen-Coon method is a more complex method than the Ziegler-Nichols method, but it can provide more accurate results for systems with large time delays. However, it may not work well for all systems and may require some adjustments based on the specific characteristics of the process being controlled.

Skogestad Method

The Skogestad method is a method for tuning PID controllers that was developed by J. Skogestad in 1985. This method is similar to the Ziegler-Nichols method, but it is more suitable for processes that have long time constants or dead time.

The Skogestad method involves calculating two parameters, the ultimate gain and the ultimate period, which are used to determine the tuning parameters for the controller. The ultimate gain is the gain at which the process becomes unstable, and the ultimate period is the period of oscillation at this gain.

To determine the ultimate gain and ultimate period, a step test is performed on the process, and the response is recorded. The ultimate gain is then calculated as the ratio of the change in the process variable to the change in the controller output. The ultimate period is the time taken for one complete oscillation of the process variable.

Once the ultimate gain and ultimate period have been determined, the tuning parameters for the controller can be calculated using the following equations:

Kp = 0.2 / Ku

Ti = 0.5 Pu

Td = 0.125 Pu

where Kp is the proportional gain, Ti is the integral time constant, Td is the derivative time constant, Ku is the ultimate gain, and Pu is the ultimate period.

The Skogestad method is known for providing good performance for processes with long time constants or dead time. However, it may not be suitable for all processes, and it is important to consider the characteristics of the process being controlled when selecting a tuning method.

Troubleshooting PIDs

Even a well-tuned PID controller can experience problems from time to time. One common issue is overshoot, where the controller response causes the process variable to exceed the setpoint. This can be caused by too much gain in the proportional component or too little gain in the integral component. Another issue is instability, where the controller output oscillates uncontrollably. This can be caused by too much gain in the derivative component or too little gain in the proportional component.

In order to troubleshoot PIDs, it is important to understand the characteristics of the process being controlled and the controller itself. Common troubleshooting methods include adjusting the tuning parameters, changing the control algorithm, and adding filtering or smoothing to the measurements.

In a climatic test chamber, PID controllers are often used to maintain the temperature and humidity within a specific range. Here are some common issues that may arise with PIDs in a climatic test chamber, and steps to troubleshoot them:

  1. Temperature overshoot: This occurs when the temperature inside the test chamber exceeds the setpoint before stabilizing. To troubleshoot this issue, you can reduce the proportional gain (Kp) or increase the derivative gain (Kd) to slow down the system's response time. You can also add a filter to the temperature sensor to reduce noise and improve stability.

  2. Temperature oscillation: This occurs when the temperature inside the test chamber fluctuates around the setpoint. To troubleshoot this issue, you can increase the integral gain (Ki) to reduce the steady-state error and improve the controller's ability to reject disturbances. You can also adjust the cycle time of the control loop to match the time constant of the system.

  3. Humidity control issues: If the humidity inside the test chamber is not being maintained within the desired range, you can check the accuracy and calibration of the humidity sensor. You can also adjust the control parameters for the humidity control loop, such as the proportional gain, integral gain, and derivative gain, to achieve better control.

  4. Control instability: If the PID controller is unstable, you can reduce the proportional gain and increase the integral gain to improve stability. You can also adjust the derivative gain to improve response time.

  5. Non-linearity: If the system exhibits non-linear behavior, such as hysteresis or saturation, you may need to use a more sophisticated control algorithm, such as a fuzzy logic controller or a model predictive controller, to achieve better control.

It is important to note that troubleshooting PID controllers in a climatic test chamber can be a complex process, and may require a good understanding of the system and its components. If you are not familiar with the system or unsure about the troubleshooting process, it is recommended to seek the advice of a qualified technician or engineer.


PID controllers are a critical component of many automated processes, providing precise control over process variables such as temperature, flow rate, and level. Understanding how PIDs work, how to tune them, and how to troubleshoot them is essential for anyone working with automation and control systems. With the right knowledge and tools, PIDs can provide reliable and accurate control for a wide variety of applications.


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